Tiger Balm Red
  • Tiger Balm Red
  • Tiger Balm Red
  • Tiger Balm Red

Tiger Balm Red Ointment

For symptomatic relief of muscular aches and pains, sprains, stuffy nose, flatulence and itchiness due to insect bites.
1,82 US$
Net weight or volume

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Do you want to buy Tiger Balm?

Yes, you have come to the right place. Tiger Balm® comes in 2 different kinds: the Red one and the White one.

The warm variation of the classic Tiger Balm® muscle pain relief ointment is ideal for soothing muscular aches and pains. This muscle pain relieving ointment also works fast to soothe itch due to insect bites. Rub Tiger Balm® over affected area to reduce aches, swelling and other discomforts quickly and effectively.

Warm relief for muscle pains and itches due to insect bites.

Fast acting pain-relief properties.
Tiger Balm® ointment is made from herbal ingredients.
Available in sizes from 10g to 30g.

Manufactured in Thailand.

Approved by Thailand FDA (registration number 2A 150/38).

Main ingredients:

Camphor 25.0%
Menthol 10.0%
Cajaput oil 7.0%
Dementholized mint oil 6.0%
Clove oil 5%
Cassia oil 5%
Paraffin and petrolatum - q.s.

Store below 25°.

Shelf life 4 years.

Shipped from Thailand.

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Tiger Balm Red

Tiger Balm Red

Tiger Balm Red

Tiger Balm Red
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Tiger Balm Red Ointment

For symptomatic relief of muscular aches and pains, sprains, stuffy nose, flatulence and itchiness due to insect bites.

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